Illinois Youth Hockey-Chicago Area
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Wisconsin's WAHA blocks Illinois Teams Empty Wisconsin's WAHA blocks Illinois Teams

Fri Nov 20, 2020 1:26 pm
This probably means no more sanctioned tournaments in Wisconsin.  But can they actually block a rink from renting ice to someone from out of state?  Can they block unsanctioned tournaments?  Probably not.

November 19, 2020

Dear Association Officers:

As we all know, the COVID-19 virus is infecting people in Wisconsin at all-time-high rates. If Wisconsin Amateur Hockey is going to have games/tournaments, play-downs, state tournaments and for some, post-season Central District and USA Hockey National play-off opportunities, every association, coach, player, and spectator must abide by the practices listed below. Without compliance to these must-dos, there is a high chance that WAHA will have to pause or shut down the hockey season in its entirety. These directives are for all Tier I and Tier II teams.

The state governments of Minnesota, Illinois and Michigan have paused hockey.  Beginning at 12:01 a.m., Monday, November 23, WAHA and USA Hockey will not sanction any games, scrimmages, tournaments, jamborees or practices in Wisconsin with any team from any state where their government or USA Hockey affiliate has a no-out-of-state- travel order in effect. This order will be in effect until December 21, 2020, when it will be reviewed again by the WAHA Board.

Associations must have mitigation plans in place that include monitoring players, coaches, and volunteers for the COVID virus. This plan must have a provision to pause the play of their teams in the event a player, coach or volunteer is exposed or is infected by the COVID virus. The plan should also state that people who show symptoms of COVID or who are actually infected stay away from the ice arena, players and teams. This plan must be posted and readily available on the association’s web site.

In addition, full season can only happen if associations practice strict adherence to the Return to Hockey Guidelines shared with you earlier in the fall and posted on the WAHA web site at Unless every one of us does all that we can to mitigate the virus during practices, games and arena use, the WAHA Board will be forced to do their part to take steps to curb the spread and to keep people safe, much like other local and state agencies have done.

The WAHA Board of Directors is committed to having a full successful hockey season.   In order to accomplish this we need you to follow your local, county, state and ice arena guidelines. For all associations, per WAHA requirement, the following must be practiced at all times:

The use of face coverings at all times in the arena, practices and games included, by players, coaches, volunteers and spectators. This is currently a State of Wisconsin requirement.

The face covering MUST be worn properly, meaning covering completely the mouth and nose. (Remember, the virus is mainly transmitted through the air).

The practice of physical distancing in the arenas. This includes plans to move people in and out of the arena in the safest manner by using separate entry/exit points when possible.

If locker rooms and/or restrooms are being used, that they are cleaned between games/practices. (The virus can also be contracted off surfaces.) NOTE: WAHA discourages the use of

locker rooms if a six-foot physical distance among all players/coaches cannot be accomplished.

Associations gathering contact tracing information from spectators/volunteers, coaches and players who enter the arena for games and practices. (To be used by the association in the event of an outbreak.)

Associations work with rink management to get sanitation stations placed throughout the arena so people can sanitize their hands.

Recommended –

Associations conduct temperature checks of persons entering the arena for practices and games. (Safety precaution.)

Associations make an effort to restrict travel distances for games/tournament/jamborees to the closest locations as possible in Wisconsin.

Finally, WAHA suggests that associations consider using vending machines for beverages and prepackaged goods in concession stands and strongly encourages associations to contact their ice arena managers and encourage them to fully comply with their people safety protocols and recommendations.

We understand there are many associations and teams that are doing an excellent job of following guidelines and keeping people safe. A huge thank you goes out to those people. What we need now is a greater level of commitment from those who have either lapsed in their efforts or who took a minimal approach to implement the safety measures listed above.

Yours in hockey,

Al Deming, President
WAHA Board of Directors
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